Daisy Moments with Archangel Chamuel.

When you take time out to connect with nature you open yourself up to divine guidance!

Angels look at us through the lens of love; working with their energy guides our perspectives back to love so we can rediscover the sacred in the ordinary. If this seems a little challenging, perhaps the humble daisy and Archangel Chamuel can help you view your world with fresh eyes of fun and appreciation:-

Daisy inspiration: When I focus on my inner light I see the world through the lens of love” – when you look, what do you see? Last night I took a photo of the daisies on our lawn. Many of us are so in love with roses at the moment I wanted a reminder that these little yellow and white beauties are just as important as their more ‘dressy’ haute couture floral relatives. Tiny but strong, daisies have admirable strength, persistence and resilience that belies their appearance: every time the lawn is mowed they disappear only to defiantly re-emerge as lovely as ever!  What inspiration for us!

Daisy wisdom: I have a deck of ‘Flower Power’ Cards. Each flower represented offers a healing message.  The Daisy card says: “You’ve had so much going on, you’re spread too thin.  This has to change now so your vitality can recharge”  – ring any bells?  ‘Instant Calmer!’ When I draw this card, I know it’s absolutely time to simplify my life/my work. I put this card by my desk as an active reminder to step back, look at the bigger picture and create my own replenishing ‘Daisy Moments’. (Try it – this simple act works, believe me).

Modesty Blaise! There is another important message from this modest little flower: it reminds us that we are no less significant than others; that everyone and everything has its own important part to play; an equally important contribution to make.

Spiritual Mindfulness: Ask Archangel Chamuel

The beauty in me sees the beauty in you! Archangel Chamuel (whose name is ‘He Who Sees’ God) helps you lovingly expand your perceptions about people, places and significantly about yourself (after all it’s got to start somewhere).  He will guide you to extend your horizons, to look beyond self-limitations and doubt – in other words, to look at yourself, your world and your relationships through the lens  of love.  Warning! This may cause miracles because when you shift your perceptions towards love you rediscover the sacred in the ‘ordinary’ and when you do that you find the sacred in your heart too.

Call to Action

“When I focus on my inner light I see the world through the lens of love”

Are you ready to see things differently?  Next time you look at daisies, take a moment to contemplate and apply the ‘daisy vs rose’ thought to yourself!  Perhaps, too, take time out to make a daisy chain and – with every daisy you add, think of your own sense of worth and that the world is a better place because you are in it!

Louise Exeter

Copyright Heaven’s Way August 2018


From Soul 2 Sole. Let your soul breathe and your body relax.

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