The colour for love needn’t be pink or red it could be green!

Loving green:-

  • the main colour for the heart chakra (emotional centre for love and compassion).
  • the colour associated with Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Healing.
  • a soothing, cleansing, colour strongly associated with the many hues and properties of nature.
  • denoted as the colour for attracting abundance.

Turn cold hearts into warm hearts! In order to receive love we need to give love. In Lorna Byrne’s touching book “Love From Heaven” she writes that many of us (because of challenging life experiences) consciously restrict the flow of love. She says:-

“Love is the most powerful force in the world. It’s love that helps to steer us in the right direction and drives us forward. It’s love that makes living worthwhile”

Power up with Archangels Raphael and Michael. Healing starts by loving and accepting ourselves first. Once we do that we are empowered. Calling upon the healing energies of Archangel Raphael (God Heals) and Archangel Michael (He who is like God) can help us achieve this.

What’s love got to do with it? The heart is much more than a body pump! It’s a dynamic information processing centre for emotional wellbeing. When our thoughts (brain) and feelings (heart) work together in mutual harmony this is called ‘coherence’.

 Question time:

  • Is your heart green with envy or green with love?
  • Do you feel a sense of lack or abundance?
  • Does your heart chakra need nourishing right now or is it overflowing?
  • Who could you give more love to?
  • Who would you like to receive more love from?

“All of us are blessed by the powerful loving energy of the Angels” Abundance is not purely financial or material, nor restricted to one beautiful colour-way. Abundance is, visibly and invisibly, all around us. Ask the Angels!

Open your heart. Make a wish. Be open to receiving abundance in unexpected ways: Here’s a beautiful thought:- “Just below the heart is a smaller sub-chakra, called the Anandakanda Lotus, which contains the Celestial Wishing Tree. It is believed that when you wish from the deepest desires of your heart, this tree bestows even more than is desired”

Sharing the Love.

Louise Exeter
Making the home of your heart an amazing place.
© Spiritual Mindfulness Heaven’s Way February 2018

Quotes: Lorna Byrne, Love From Heaven. Christine Astell, Angel Light.
Anodea Judity, Hay House, Chakras 7 Keys to Awakening and Healing the Energy Body. Image

The Home of your heart – What’s Love got to do with it?  Well quite a lot really because we attract what we focus on. Thinking, feeling, speaking, relating: Love opens doors to abundance.

“A good home must be made not bought”(1)  There is a saying that no matter where we are, home is where the heart is’.  This implies a sense of location, personal space, definitely a belonging . . .When you walk through the front door of your home do you, give or take a little, get a sense of sanctuary and a reasonable feeling of ‘homeland’ or, with doormat trepidation as you turn the key, does your heart sink?

Call to action:

Where am I not at Home with myself? If it takes courage to cross the threshold with love not fear, it might be time to ask where within myself am I not at home? Love helps to heal fragile hearts and mend relationships; love disengages from judgement and nurtures forgiveness but If we close the doors of our hearts, shut up, shove off and throw away the key, who are we helping?  By listening to your vulnerable feelings – their reply will contain wisdom and inspiration to guide you(2)

Call to action:

Make space in your heart for relationships to grow:  As with clearing clutter in the home, you start with one drawer, one corner, one cupboard at a time.  So it is with mending relationships. For transformation, start with one emotional aspect that feels easier than others to address and rectify.

A powerhouse of help and healing: if you wish to release what’s not useful and heal what’s not beautiful in your relationships but are finding this hard to do, why not enlist the assistance of Archangels Michael and Raphael. Together they make a great team. Michael (Angel Name: ‘He Who is Like God’) and Raphael (Angel Name God Heals’) are Light warriors for love and healing. They will spring clean the corridors of your heart, lighten up and power up so you can re-connect to warm feelings of appreciation on many levels.

Fitting the emotional, physical and soulful aspects of our make-up is like feng-shui for the self!  There is a view that our homes are an extension of the self; that they mirror ‘where we’re at’ in daily life.  So, to feel happier, it’s important to put some love, care and attention in in order to get some of the same out! Matching the diverse pieces of our own personal jigsaw puzzle together to form the whole picture of who we really are isn’t always easy but when we change our perceptions about our home, our relationships, our life generally, we create a new space inside ourselves for abundance. Then beautiful resonance can be re-found for our thoughts, feelings and language – thereby bringing us in greater alignment with our heart centre.


Making the home of your heart a good investment. There is a lovely Louise L Hay affirmation that goes something like: may every corner of my home be filled with love’.  I recommend using this mantra regularly (i.e. every morning before you get up and each evening before sleep).  It helps raise the vibes over domestic stressors such as over-flowing linen baskets, piles of washing up, a bare fridge, toys all over the place and relationship tensions too.  Why? because love is bigger than dust and clutter.


Creating a heart based environment: when you bring love into your heart you also bring it into your home.
When you bless your home with love, when you send love into every corner, you’ll notice a change; not only in your home but in yourself too. (4)  Coincidentally, when we do this for our home we, in turn, do it for our relationships too. ‘We think, we act, we hurt, react” (5) Things can only get better when the heart pumps forgiveness, acceptance, love, joy, kindness, gratitude; when thoughts and emotions are balanced; ease and inner harmony are experienced. – then we really can discover that the home of our heart is an amazing place to live!

Louise Exeter
This is dedicated to the marvellous Louise L. Hay
© Spiritual Mindfulness Heaven’s Way February 2018


(1) Grand Designs TV Programme. (2) Doreen Virtue: Archangel Gabriel Oracle Cards, (3) Kyle Gray: Angels How to See, Hear and Feel Your Angels. (4) inspired by Louise L Hay:  Power Thought Cards. (5) Denise Hagan CD: For those who hear: Denise Hagan.