Flowers don’t judge, they just nod and ‘smile’ at us in their own ethereal way, like a silent lover they seem to care and reboot our senses. . . We have a legacy of beautiful garden roses, gifted by previous owners. Their gnarled and sturdy stems and branches testament to their age (I’d guess 20 years or more, if that’s possible) although their exquisite flowers flatteringly bely their time line. Rewardingly, each year, they grace us with their cascading blooms and delicate scent well into the Autumn season.

To me, plants, flowers and trees display an effortless beauty.  They just are their perfectly glorious, natural selves!  From the smallest to the largest, most flamboyant, from the humblest to the magnificent, we can learn a lot from flora and fauna about just Be-ing – not consciously striving so hard to achieve.

 Call to Action

Remember to forget (yourself)! Mindfully connecting with roses – or any other flowers  – will take you out of your ‘I must do self’ into your ‘I am me’ self. Take a few moments to listen to their language: take time to gaze at these miracles of creation and watch them wistfully gaze back; flowers don’t judge, they just nod and ‘smile’ at us in their own ethereal way, like a silent lover they seem to care and reboot our senses.

Abundance: If you need more flower power inspiration I suggest you visit Gruppo di The gardens of the soul – a Facebook group whose members love flowers and nature; it’s simply gorgeous.

The world is so rich, the Creator’s signature is everywhere in the beauty of the natural world. Ask Archangel Jophiel (whose name is ‘The Beauty of God’) to touch your heart and eyes so that you may see the beauty of creation in everything – including yourself!

Louise Exeter

This is dedicated to my dearest Aunt, Margaret Rose.  She loved roses!

Copyright Heaven’s Way June 2018.