Kindness is a language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.”

Kindness is a wonderful thing we could all do with from time to time. Kindness is a gift from one person to another. Kindness touches the human spirit with generosity and appreciation. Kindness is a vibrational shape-shifter; a feel-good factor that heals dented moments and brightens a stranger’s day, Kindness is transformational. It costs nothing but consideration and generosity of spirit.



Kind words touch lonely hearts and warm sad ones; they comfort a friend and sooth the needy.  Angels speak to the soul in this way – they come with the vibration of compassion and understanding. This initiates an internal response in us – a ripple effect in our heart-mind consciousness, our lives, our relationships.


Some powerfully provocative crystal research work exists – by the Japanese Nobel prize winner Dr. Masaru Emoto – about the extraordinarily demonstrable resonance words, intentions and music have on the molecular structure and appearance of water crystals. How their individuality and beauty is impacted upon – for better or worse – by the influence of constructive or destructive word vibrations. The implications are immense. . Just think of the correspondence: both humans and the planet are largely composed of water!  Check it out here …


Each new year, at the stroke of midnight my family always bids farewell to the old and welcomes in the new with a Scottish ‘Cup of Kindness’ – that tradition of crossing hearts as we affectionately reach out to others, join hands and sing “For the Sake of Auld Lang Syne we’ll pass a cup of kindness . . .” 

What do you think about sharing a ‘Cup of personal Kindness’? If you were holding one in your hands right now, how big would it be? What shape, size or form would it take? Is your cup half full or half empty? Importantly, would you share it with a person who is making your heart feel a far off place at the moment?


Think of kindness as a teacher.  We all know that small acts of kindness go a long way but there’s always room for more. A Course in Miracles says: ‘Let love enter into your mind and make kindness your goal’



With this in mind, take a few moments to imagine –  even illustrate – a representative cup of kindness –  colour it, name it, own it!  Take your time, don’t hold back, this is a loving cup of your creation – let it overflow!


Next, allow yourself to share its contents with a friend, stranger, animal or place in need; especially with that person who is making your heart feel a far off place. In your mind’s eye, offer your cup to them with compassion, forgiveness and love in your recipe if you can. How do you feel about this person or situation now?


Love comes all wrapped up in kindness!  If this gesture is difficult to conjure, you can always ask the Angels to assist you.  They have an unlimited amount of love and kindness to go round.  For example:-

Archangel Uriel throws light on a situation or relationship that needs compassion.
Archangel Chamuel helps us look at life through the lens of Love.
Archangel Michael empowers us to step up and shine through Love.
Archangel Jophiel reminds us to be kind to the inner vision of ourselves.
Your Guardian Angel is always by your side to direct towards Love.


Kindness is a healer, a shape shifter, a joy bringer.  A gift to ourselves and others any time of year. it’s a gift from your heart to another without any expectation of payment in return. You could say, kindness is a ‘small act of greatness’.

For auld lang syne, my jo,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

Louise Exeter

Copyright February 2020

Quote: Mark Twain

If you had no money, no material possessions, what gift would you bring to the world? Take a steady look at the image of Faith (from Kyle Gray’s Keepers of the Light deck) above. Her offering comes from the Divine to our hearts. Love speaks to us through the gentle power of this image. Do you know what she is offering you? Will you accept? Will you share? Who, what or where might need this precious gift right now?

I’ve always believed that Faith and Hope are mirror images, because when you believe and trust, you make way for Hope. When you believe in better, there is greater potential for overcoming, repairing, renewing and healing. You ignite the ripple effect for peace and when we let peace into our hearts, miracles can happen in our lives.

Stepping into Peace

Finding Peace surely starts from within. When we step over our personal hurdles of disharmony, anxiety and resistance we empower ourselves to say: “I choose peace instead of… “ This is real empowerment that generates a good feeling.

Bring in the Light

Faith represents the ‘twin flame’ to the mighty Archangel Michael (‘He Who is Like God’): Michael helps us clear our fear and demolish personal roadblocks to success, to feel safe and protected. Fear is the absence of Love, and Archangel Michael helps us step out of fear and into Love.

Hope is the Angel of Love and Acceptance. Her counterpart is Archangel Gabriel (ʻStrength of Godʼ). As we steadily move out of judgement into love and compassion ‒ for ourselves and others ‒ we grow and become increasingly strengthened by these engaging qualities ‒ we find that divides dissolve as Love unites.

“The smallest steps will bring results. Simply say hello and our conversation can begin. Whisper my name and I will respond. Listen for me and you will hear the still small voice. Let us start.”

– Julia Cameron’s Life Lessons no. 23

Success is an Inside Job

This brings us full circle to Charity, the Angel of prayer and contemplation and perhaps our first stepping stones to accessing inner tranquility. The more we take time to pause, breathe, reflect and commune with ‘Grace’ the sooner success will

“When I focus on my inner light I see the world through the lens of Love.”

– Gabrielle Bernstein’s The Universe Has Your Back deck

Charity’s counterpart is Archangel Chamuel (‘He Who Sees God’). Chamuel is the Angel of Love and Purpose. He helps us raise our vibration through changing perceptions. Ask yourself: When you look through the lens of love is it the things you look at that change or the way you look at them that’s changed?

Cherish the Peace

“The lamps are different but the light is the same.”

– Rumi

When you find peace, you find contentment. When you find contentment, you find gratitude. When you find gratitude, you step into trust and abundance and so it grows. As this occurs you realize that you are part of the wonderful global oneness of all things and become an ambassador for peace.

“What I give to you, I give to me.”

– Unknown

Faith is the Angel of Humanity and Benevolence. She comes together with Hope and Charity – they ask us to shine the light of peace in our hearts and in the world. This is the gift they bring.

Louise Exeter

Copyright December 2019

Image: Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray (Hay House, RRP £14.99)