A Butterfly Sign from the Angels?

What do angels bring us?  Do you think this was a sign? Having taken a few moments to write a spontaneous answer to the first question, I went into my garden and as I stepped outside, a beautiful butterfly came to rest on my shoulder. I stood still, silently enthralled by this privilege; the butterfly then busily fluttered around me for a few moments more before moving on to my flower pot. It settled there, as if allowing me to take a photo before fluttering off into the blue.  Here’s a picture of the pretty creature.  “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change!” To me this was more than a beautiful ‘butterfly moment’ > it was an affirming connection with the Creator, as if the Angels had sent a gift of acknowledgement for my thoughts about them.

Here’s my list of what the Angels bring:-

Friendship, Divine thought in action, strength, courage, care, love, permanency, consistency, kindness, healing, truth, commitment, safety, protection, trust. Hold the space for us.  Words of love, empathic listeners, heavenly counsellors, light, bright, shining, uplifting, sparkle, magic moments.  Electricians for our thoughts. Facilitators, guidance, empowerment, fulfilment, fresh perceptions, acceptance, non-judgment, awareness of every-day miracles, beauty, presence, guidance, joy, fun, synchronicity; connection to the Divine, to the sacred in the universe and in our hearts.   A lovely exercise to do

Call to Action

Taking time to reflect on Angel qualities turned out to be a mindful exercise on love!  My suggestion: why not write your own list of what you think the Angels could bring you – and watch for their signs! Once you start working with the Angels you’ll notice how life is full of synchronicity! Let me know!

Quote: Dr. Wayne Dyer: The Power of Intention


Copyright Louise Exeter

Heaven’s Way July 2018