Angel Intuitive Card Readings

Inspiration guidance empowerment

Life if full of choices!
What will you choose that your future self will be thankful for? Do you see change as threatening or a golden opportunity? Do you need focus and clarity on current issues, assistance assessing where you’ve come from and how best to move forward, releasing the past or believing in better? Have you considered a card reading?

Work with the Angels! Angels want us to unlock the doors of our hearts for empowered choices.  Working with light and love from above, Angel intuitive card readings offer practical, down to earth guidance. This is not fortune telling nor medium-ship, more like a ‘Divine Compass’ to help you be a bolder, fly higher and move on with your life.

Book an Angel Card reading with me!
Weekdays, North London.  1.5hrs  £60.00
Half hour ‘Taster’ readings also available £40.00


“I met with Louise at a point of great stress at a real crossroads in my life. I was so impressed by her reading… I left feeling revived, calmer, and incredibly positive. I got so much out of this session, Louise helped me make practical steps to improve my situation and offered huge encouragement and assurance. I would recommend anyone to try this”. Clare

“I decided to have an Angel Reading when I was going through a difficult time in my life and needed a different perspective. . . Louise expertly and empathetically guided me through the session which made me think about my life and what is important to me.  I would recommend an Angel Reading to anyone who may feel a bit stuck and would like to challenge themselves to think outside the box.  You are in good hands with Louise!” Anna

Let Divine Wisdom Guide you and Love redefine you.
Redirect your Intentions Heaven’s Way® with Louise Exeter