Power Up The Home Of Your Heart


My faith has the power to turn trauma into healing, conflict into growth, and fear into love

These are not light-weight meditations. They are from my workshops and designed to engage with insightful personal gifts that the Archangels may bring to help you move forward.


“We think, we act, we hurt, react.  We trust, we earn, we lose, we learn.”

During these extraordinary times, rising levels of anxiety and vulnerability can so readily besiege our sense of inner strength, self-belief and resilience. For those of you feeling stuck in overwhelm, swamped by circumstance, needing to heal the past or step into the future with strength and clarity through spiritual connection, I am offering a series of ‘Power up the Home of Your Heart’ chakra meditations with the following  ‘Big 4’ Archangels”

 “We are here to help you through the circumference of life”

AA Michael [He Who is Like God]
Your Inner Castle of Self-Belief

Finding courage and calm amidst discomfort.

The first in the series starts with the mighty Warrior of Light, Angel of Protection, Angel of the Sun, ‘He Who is Like God’, Archangel Michael. “Courage isn’t something you’ve put on. Fear is something you’ve taken off”!   In this meditation we are going to ask Archangel Michael to Protect the ‘Home of your Heart’ – ‘Your Inner Castle of Self-belief’

AA Azrael [God is My Aid]
The Place of my Be-ing

Finding deeper meaning and personal growth amidst change.

Like a phoenix we can soar into joy, rise above challenge and transform through our experiences. The second meditation entitled ‘The place of my Be-ing’ engages with the uplifting power of the Angel of Change and Transition Archangel Azrael, ‘God is my Aid’– so we can move forward with courage and strength to the place of our inner shining.

AA Gabriel [Strength of God]
Finding my voice through Love

One day you will tell your story and it will be someone else’s survival guide.

‘Finding my Voice through Love’ Discover more about the voice of your inner being and creative self-expression with Archangel Gabriel, ‘God is my Strength’.  When the voice of our heart and mind are in harmony we flow more easily with life and find our way through to joyful new directions with strengthened inner vision and clarity of purpose.

AA Raphael [God Heals]
A Return to Healing

The wound can be the place where the healing light of Love enters.

‘A Return to Healing’ We are more than physical, we are emotional and spiritual too.  Any or all of these inseparable aspects of ourselves may need healing support at certain times. Archangel Raphael and his team of angels are dedicated to the heart and to healing.  ‘Rapha’ in Hebrew means ‘Doctor’ or ‘Heal’ and ‘El’ means ‘Shining one’.

Are you ready to start the conversation?

Learn More. Love More. Trust More. Fear less with the Friendship of Angels

Angels have the over view. They look at us through the lens of Love with compassion, empathy and understanding. They know the human spirit is strong.  Angels are God’s messengers: if we trust their leadership and guidance, we are trusting in God.

Angel Intuitive Card Readings are a great way to maintain dialogue but if you want to amplify your conversation and engage at a deeper level with these Divine Beings you might like to attend my Graceful Soul 1-2-1 sessions and various Power Up with the Archangels’ Workshops. I will keep you informed via my Newsletters but do please visit my website from time to time for updates. Angels: created by Love – with Love – from Love – for Love – for each other.

Support God's Work

These meditations are offered free of charge but if you wish to make a donation please consider The Salvation Army: Working with God’s Love for humanity, the community and especially those in need.

Support Animals In Need

These meditations are offered free of charge but if you wish to make a donation please consider Spana for the working animals of the world mobile clinic appeal.

Quotation References:
Faith: Gabby Bernstein: The Universe Has Your Back Cards

CD: ‘For Those Who Hear’ Denise Hagan
Spiritual: My Heaven’s Way Guardians
Courage: Laurence G. Boldt quoted in Zen and the Art of Making a Living


Music for these meditations has been licensed from Enlightened Audio, with thanks.

Let Divine Wisdom Guide you and Love redefine you.
Redirect your Intentions Heaven’s Way® with Louise Exeter