Heavens Way

Heart-centred work for soul growth and graceful living.

One-ness! Accepting there is a higher power than ourselves, that we are all part of the rich diversity of life, Heaven’s Way work is inclusive, non-religious, non judgemental but high-vibe inspirational and supportive.

Ignite the gentle joy of Spiritual Mindfulness© Angels help us open the doors of our hearts and look at life through a ‘Lens of Love‘. Mindfulness is a practice to promote wellbeing.  It means holding awareness of the present moment, being in the strengthening energy of ‘now’.  “Angels are beings of love, compassion, mercy and grace”.  Their presence elevates Mindfulness to a higher vibration that creates bridges of healing.

Reconnect to your inner beauty and smile with the world! Nourish your soul and you nourish your life! I’d love to help you follow your heart, link to your joy and reconnect to your inner beauty with my Angel intuitive card readings, motivational workshops and ‘Graceful Soul’ 1-2-1 sessions.

We attract what we focus on. We create what we believe in. Life is full of possibility. Angels come to us with love from Source, to give our hearts wings. All we have to do is believe and ask!  I am here to assist the process.

  • Be bolder,
  • Fly higher,
  • Move on
  • Ride the wave of your soul’s journey

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The Soul Sanctuary™

The aim of my articles blogs and posts are to share insights, to help you go within and to connect to the wisdom of the universe. When you feel good about yourself you can unfold into fulfilment. When you do this you feel good about others and your world.

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New blog: Liquid Spirit!

Spiritual re-hydration with the Angel of Water: Taking time out for a compassionate metaphysical drink can be positively refreshing! In this way the tides of tranquillity and the currents of love can become your own Spiritual Hydration. If you’d like to connect with the healing vibration of water energy in your own way, I offer some suggestions in my blog ‘Liquid Spirit’

New blog: Daisy Moments with Archangel Chamuel

The beauty in me sees the beauty in you! How do you see things? Perhaps the humble daisy and Archangel Chamuel can help you look with fresh eyes of appreciation . . . warning, this may cause miracles because when you shift your perceptions towards love you rediscover the sacred in the ‘ordinary’ and when you do that you find the sacred in your heart!


“My Angel Card Reading with Louise was lovely. The messages coming from the cards and Louise’s interpretation were spot on and very relevant to my life. I came away feeling positive and reassured. Louise exudes a sense of calm and I wouldn’t hesitate to return for another reading and to recommend Louise to others.”  Sarah

Unfold into the wonderful with a little help from Heaven!
Redirect your intentions Heaven’s Way®
With Louise Exeter

  • References:
  • Angels are beings of Love: Diana Cooper: ‘Angel Inspiration. How to Change your World with the Angels
  • chakra wings image: Copyright: nikkized / 123RF Stock